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Hubble Telescope: The Journey to the Stars.

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Hubble Telescope: The Journey to the Stars.

For years, astronomers have sought to study the universe and observed the stars. But without a telescope, there was only so much they could see. The Hubble Space Telescope has opened our eyes to an entirely new world. This telescope has given us views of places, objects, and phenomena that humans never before had access to. With the help of Hubble, we’ve seen galaxies billions of light years away and discovered new stars in our own Milky Way. There are still many mysteries out there… but if you want to know how to take your journey into space with Hubble then read on!

The Hubble Space Telescope's Journey to the Stars

The Hubble Space Telescope was the first space telescope to be placed into orbit. It was built by NASA with the help of the European Space Agency with the goal of studying objects in space. Unlike most telescopes, it is in a low-earth orbit and is in constant motion, meaning it can make observations without interruption.

It's named after American astronomer Edwin P. Hubble because he was one of the first scientists to propose that there were galaxies other than our own Milky Way.

It has served as an invaluable tool for astronomers for decades and has given us an unseen view into space with its high-resolution images and spectra data. Perhaps what's most amazing about this telescope is that it's still functioning today!

The Beginning of the Universe

The Hubble Space Telescope was launched into orbit in 1990. Since then, it has taken over 900,000 images of the universe and helped us learn more about our universe than any other telescope before.

The images that Hubble has taken have impacted what we know about astronomy. We now know about the beginning of our universe and how it’s still constantly changing. The telescope allowed us to see galaxies billions of light years away and discovered new stars in our own Milky Way.

Hubble has shown us that there are plenty of mysteries out there to explore! Here’s how you can take your journey into space with Hubble.

Looking at Galaxies

Hubble has captured some amazing images of galaxies. Galaxies are groups of stars that may contain as many as trillions of stars. Astronomers have been able to use Hubble to see galaxies in different shapes and sizes. Some galaxies are spiral-shaped, others look like a squashed sphere or football, and others are elliptical.

In the early 1990s, astronomers used Hubble to discover a galaxy with a supermassive black hole at its center called M87. The black hole weighs around 2 billion times more than our sun! They were able to tell that it was a black hole because it does not give off any light. A black hole is formed when an object is so dense that even light cannot escape its gravitational pull.

Hubble has also helped us learn more about how galaxies form by seeing them as they were in the past. For example, we can now observe galaxies from just 3 billion years after the Big Bang!

In this post, we will explore what galaxies are and how they can be studied through Hubble's lens.

Studying the Milky Way

Hubble isn’t the only telescope that has allowed us to see our world in new ways. It wasn’t until 1609 when Galileo turned his telescope to the sky that we were able to see the moon, sunspots, and mountains on the surface of the Earth. These discoveries opened up a whole new world for astronomers and made them curious about what else they could find.

But before Hubble, there was so much more we didn’t know about space because telescopes weren’t powerful enough to see it all. When Hubble was launched into orbit in 1990, it finally had enough power to view parts of space that had never been seen before.

Hubble has given astronomers an incredible opportunity to study our own galaxy, the Milky Way. They now have access to images of galaxies billions of light-years away, never seen before with human eyes. But don't worry! We'll talk more about looking at things closer by...


In the past three decades, the Hubble Space Telescope has taken us to the edge of the universe and back with its deep-space views. From its launch in 1990 until today, it has advanced our understanding of science and explored a world full of new discoveries.

It's been a long journey to the stars, but the Hubble Space Telescope is just getting started.

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